We were young lieutenants in Vietnam mid-1969 through mid-1970. Rick was an Army infantry platoon leader in the Central Highlands. Terry was an Air Force pilot based in the Delta. We have been friends, through hang gliding, for 20 years. We leave February 1 for three weeks, DEROS 22 FEB 12.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Vung Tau is completely unrecognizable after 40 years of tremendous development. Went by the place where I lived and it had been replace with new, modern structures. 
We are in a nice hotel with an ocean view ($48).
Wow! the surf is even better than I remember! 5 foot waves, nicely shaped, even with a fairly strong afternoon on-shore wind, innumerable beach breaks left and right, sand bottom, no one surfing! Should be incredible tomorrow morning with an offshore breeze.
Riding the hydrofoil here from Saigon, enjoyed a very pleasant conversation with a politically astute young women from Hanoi. In the three days we have been here, we have yet to sense even the sightest animosity.

Heading out to drink beer and find a surfboard.  TR

1 comment:

  1. Amazing, that picture could of easily been taken from out the window of almost any hotel in Miami, minus the hills in the distance!
