We were young lieutenants in Vietnam mid-1969 through mid-1970. Rick was an Army infantry platoon leader in the Central Highlands. Terry was an Air Force pilot based in the Delta. We have been friends, through hang gliding, for 20 years. We leave February 1 for three weeks, DEROS 22 FEB 12.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hong Kong
    In a lifetime spent in airports, this is definitely the most spectacular. The ultimate in huge, modern, efficient, high tech and with more fancy shops, restaurants, etc. than any mall I have seen.
   The 16 hour flight from Newark on a 777 was comfortable enough. My seat turned into a flat bed. Flight attendants steadily plied me with offers of food and drink. I will meet up with Rick after the last leg to Saigon - oops! Ho Chi Minh City.
   Almost forty-three years ago, things were quite different. My mood then was one of great sadness, knowing that I would not see home and loved ones for the next year. Intellectually I knew that a lot could happen in a year in the combat zone, but fear was not one of the emotions. Bad things would no doubt befall many of the 200 or so GI’s with whom I was packed tightly into the smoke-filled bright yellow Braniff 707. In the first of the letters that I would send home every day for a year, I wrote, “It seems strange to be going to war in something that looks like a banana.” At twenty-two I was invincible.   TR

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