We were young lieutenants in Vietnam mid-1969 through mid-1970. Rick was an Army infantry platoon leader in the Central Highlands. Terry was an Air Force pilot based in the Delta. We have been friends, through hang gliding, for 20 years. We leave February 1 for three weeks, DEROS 22 FEB 12.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Minus the US military and related, Saigon seems much the same. Not as hot and poluted as I remember, but even more motorbikes.  The roads look like a flowing river of them.
Prices are about 1/3 of those in the US.  The people are friendly.  The bureaucrats are like bureaucrats everywhere, but not a problem.
Yesterday we walked around the city and specifically toured the Reunification Palace (where the NVA tank broke through the wall; the scene that symbolizes the end of the war) and the War Remnants Museum.  The latter was a very emotional tour for me and, I believe, for Rick.  More than once, we (I cannot really speak for Rick) had to go sit down, out of the way, and collect our emotions.  I determined before I started this blog that I would avoid discussion of the politics and morality of the war.  That greatly limits what I feel like writing this morning.  Suffice to say that I did not see or learn much that I had not already known.  However, it was powerful to see it through the eyes of the Vietnamese.  TR

1 comment:

  1. I am curious as to whether you think the country (Vietnam) is better or worse because of the war effort.
