Feb. 21: Good visit here in Hanoi. The experience of sitting on the side of Vietnam's version of Rodeo Drive with Terry was very surreal. In my wildest imagination I never expect to see such luxury. Having traveled the length of the country, we’ve seen every level of the economy of the Communist country, but this took the cake. The multi-hundred thousand dollar cars, the $1000 dollar purses, the better than thou attitude, made me think I was having a dream. I’ll bet Uncle Ho is rolling in his mausoleum. Visited the Hanoi Hilton, prison not hotel, late in the afternoon. It appears the pilots held prisoner here had it pretty good, unlike the propaganda we were fed back at home, lots of fun activities, like basketball, volleyball and chess tournaments. None of that torture and interrogation stuff we were told happened. Pretty biased presentation of this side of events. Saw the largest turtle we’ve either ever seen in Hoan Kiem Lake, had to be 6 feet long. While returning to our hotel on a very busy street, ran into Anne Toccket, from Pittsburgh, a young lady we had met in Dalat. Small world.
Spent a great evening at a micro-brewery, drinking free beer with a group of paraglider pilots I connected with on the internet before leaving the States. Really felt like home. Amazing how this common interest creates such a bond. Had our first rides on the back of scooters, with a couple of the pilots, once during rush hour and again after consuming some beers. Quite the experience. Looking forward to expanding the friendships created over some very good beverage. Having lunch with BT, the main force in the flying community. Hope to figure out a way to get him trained as an instructor, as they are all pretty much self taught. Sport flying here is in it’s infancy, so any help the get is going to be welcome.
Terry and I are splitting-up this evening, he heading to Hong Kong and me to Saigon. He’s been an awesome traveling companion. Three weeks together and still friends. Looking forward to the next adventure with him. Rick
To add to Rick's last paragraph, after spending pretty much 24 hours a day together for three weeks, we are even better friends than when we started. TR